Aug 29Action Alert - Down Ballot Vote Republican! President Trump will be unable to make America great again if he doesn’t have a conservative House and Senate.Â
Jul 31Action Alert - Congressional RecessThis will be a great opportunity for you to personally contact your Representatives and Senators.Â
Jul 22Action Alert - Tools You Can Use To Win To win, we need to train more people in effective campaign techniques, and that starts with you.Â
Jul 15Action Alert - Help Pass The Save ActHelp pass in the Senate the SAVE Act to outlaw illegals from voting. Call your Senators at 202-224-3121.
Jun 27Action Alert - Register VotersThe most important action we can take is to register as many potential voters as possible.
May 4Action Alert - Â Save Our GirlsPlease call your Senators and ask if they will vote for or against H.R. 734
Mar 28Action Alert - Visit Your RepresentativesTCC’s National Field Director, Art Kelly offers a reminder to visit your elected representatives, both local and federal. A new Rasmussen...