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Last Call To Register Voters!

We’re getting down to the wire! Voter registration continues in 14 states as you read this—if you are in one of these states, or know people in them, then keep asking people to register. At this point, they’ll need to register in person, not by mail or web. The Democrats are racing to register as many as they can—let’s beat them! 

These are the states that still allow in-person registration at this writing. Some will even let you register on election day: CO, DC, HI, ME, MI, MN, MT, NH, NM, NC, ND, VT, WA, WI.

Here’s why it’s still vital: You’ll be voting, and your friends will too. But look at what the Democrats are doing: Registering illegal aliens—likely millions of them. Outlawing voter ID and refusing to check citizenship databases before registering. Same day registration in some states without ID, which would allow Democrat activists to drive around their cities to register at each polling location under fake names and vote dozens of times.

So even if you have already helped register some voters, to win, we all need to register a few more new voters while we can. If just a small percentage of the millions of conservatives around the country register just one person this month, we can win with enough votes to overcome Democrat cheating. 

A few great places to register include gun shows and ranges, hunting clubs, and home schooling events. Ask your pastor to urge parishioners to register or set up a registration table. And message your friends on social media.


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