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Leading Conservative Grassroots Group Hosts Brazilian Congressional DelegationFollowing House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing on Censorship in Brazil

Media Contact: Mario Balaban, 646-301-9400

House Foreign Affairs Committee holds hearing ‘Brazil: A Crisis of Democracy, Freedom, & Rule of Law’ with Michael Shellenberger and Brazilian Journalist Paulo Figueiredo testimony

(Washington, DC) – On Tuesday, The Conservative Caucus – the leading grassroots network in the country, will host a press conference featuring officials from Brazil following a House subcommittee hearing on Brazil's Democracy, Freedom, and Rule of Law crisis that's gripping the nation.

“The free speech and censorship crisis in Brazil looks eerily similar to the one that conservatives are facing here in the U.S. under the Biden administration,” said Jim Pfaff, President of The Conservative Caucus. “If anyone wants to know what a Biden second term will look like – look no further than Brazil where free speech rights are under attack and people are jailed for expressing their opinions that run contrary to the government’s narrative.”

Featured speakers at the press conference will include the son of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Congressmen Eduardo Bolsonaro, Congressman Gustavo Guyer, Congressman Nikolas Ferreira and journalists Paulo Figueiredo and Allan dos Santos. All the speakers are currently being targeted by Brazil’s Supreme Court. Figueiredo and dos Santos are currently living in exile in the United States.

The House hearing, which is scheduled to begin at 10:00 am ET will focus on the current crisis Brazil is facing, as highlighted by Elon Musk in recent weeks, regarding the country’s Supreme Court overreach that is limiting free speech and public discourse.

The mission of The Conservative Caucus is to create a grassroots conservative network, uniting people of widely varying backgrounds in peaceable defense of our country, our Constitution, and our common values rooted in liberty and equal rights.

The press conference begins at 3:00 pm at The Heritage Foundation located at 214 Massachusetts Ave NE. To learn more about The Conservative Caucus, please visit


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